The Generation "B", like Bulgaria...
In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar shares his opinion as an expert, observer and Bulgarian who looks at the young generation with confidence.
Because the generations have started to "spin" too fast we are all racing to give them some letter to characterize them - Gen (Z), (M) Millennial, X, Y and more, and I even wrote a book on Generation F years ago, but that is now gone.
And now I know that all the managers who read these lines will agree with me that a new and unknown generation is coming into our companies, born both of the pandemic because many of them returned from different countries, driven right out of it, but also of another rather important fact.
This is the first generation, probably for at least half a century, that has never experienced any difficulty, not a single crisis, stress or even a small problem. It is free from the feeling of "fear", it wants to achieve a lot in a short time and less effort. This is wonderful because I have always thought that it is this combination that will pull the world forward, save us time and effort, make us innovative and ultimately make us a faster part of the European and global market.
But exactly this market holds this difficult to answer question - it is now so stagnant, so competitive and absolutely unpredictable that we simply - at this stage - rule out this combination and have to replace it with another - very innovative, hard and consistent, and most importantly, result-oriented work.
And if we are going to name this great generation after him, it is more than clear. Generation B, like Bulgaria. There is no other more appropriate word, and we are all looking at it right now...