In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar tells cautionary lessons from the past that open our eyes to the present.Months ago I gave a super interesting lecture in the garden of the Vrana Palace in the ... »
Maxim Behar shares his exciting meeting with former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in his author series "Priceless Lessons" for BGLOBAL magazine.Ban Ki-moon, who didn't stop solving puzzles for peace. The Korean diplomat, who served two terms as UN Secretary-General, ... »
In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar shares his expert opinion on a topic that has left many question marks - why did the media forget about Covid? Stressed out, confused, vaccinators and anti-vaxxers, specialists in everything... ... »
Maxim Behar talks about his meeting with Prince Philip, who is still revered after his death for his profound contribution to nearly 1,000 charities in Scotland, the UK and the world. It's a story with priceless memories that remain ... »
In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar writes about the art of being a leader and what are the main qualities he should have in the current times. Well, it could have been all caps, of course, ... »
In an exclusive interview with the Indian Valasys Media, Maxim Behar revealed his secret to success: individuality. The individuality transcends both to his personal and professional life. He spoke about his passion for PR and how he is making a ... »
In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar writes about modern leaders and the basics of growing a successful business.I've been talking for years about how important the Three S's rule is in modern business and much ... »
Maxim Behar was a guest of Biser Kunchev in the HR Guest section of the online media outlet DIR.BG and shared what the ideal job candidate looks like in his eyes, what are his most valuable professional qualities and ... »
The communications expert Maxim Behar proposed in an official letter to the Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria to buy all the rights to the slogan "Bulgaria - Dream Area", which he created and ... »
Maxim Behar has launched his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine. He will be short and to the point, up-to-date but different, insightful and share useful tips based on his years of experience and knowledge. He is Maxim Behar and ... »
Maxim Behar shares one of his many exciting meeting with an unexpected ending with Jozsef Varadi, the CEO of Wizz Air - a man who very much values the opinion of the PR consultant and there is a reason why. ... »
Maxim Behar is a visionary in many fields, has always been up to date with new developments, and is different in that he sometimes sets the trend himself, changing the way we think and communicate. He shares the secrets of ... »
Self-confidence, knowledge, quick decisions and... a little luck are the ingredients of the recipe, M3 Communications Group, Inc. CEO says in exclusive interview for the prestigious American magazine Fortunes Crown. He was recognized as one of "The 10 Most Influential ... »
Maxim Behar was a guest in the Bulgarian National TV 's studio and commented the most searched three words in 2021 in Bulgaria, according to a survey on the Internet platform "How to write", in which all Bulgarians could participate. ... »
Мaxim Behar talks about his meeting with a man whose ideas and theories are listened to by politicians and experts of high rank - the famous American political scientist and sociologist Zbigniew Brzezinski. This is a story of priceless experiences ... »