The PR expert Maxim Behar commented on the public appearances and social media posts of politicians just before the start of the election campaign. In an interview with Alexander Yosifov from bTV, the CEO of the PR company M3 Communications ... »
Barnevik? No businessman in the world doesn’t know him. The Economist named him one of the world’s best businessmen of the decade!
My friend, Ambassador Piet Steel, one of the most influential people in the Belgian giant “Solvay,” looked ... »
Well, that's clear. After 33 years of painful transition, change and replacement of values, acrobatic political variations, in the end the truth shined - in Bulgaria we really know how to survive with both “two” and “two hundred”. In other ... »
No one in the world, not even the best Soviet experts, expected a politician who would change the world in just a few days.
… It was a little bit after midnight. I was already falling asleep after a glass ... »
It so happened that we divided ourselves into exactly these two categories. And there are no others. This is the not so sad truth about our modern life.
The successful ones are standing in their offices, and now more and ... »
I am more than convinced that the generation in power must be totally changed. In politics, there must be new people, with new ideas, with an absolutely new approach and no "memory" of the decades of vulgar language, insults, aggression, ... »
We are already sick of caretaker governments. You walk along “Vitoshka” Street in Sofia and every second person you meet turns out to be a former minister. And sometimes a present one. But that's not the drama. Long live the ... »
I was just starting my business a long (but not that long) time ago, and I had only a small Trabant car, my last purchase from the Socialism times after a long and careful saving. I was slowly gaining momentum ... »
But not only my business, Public Relations, but also as if our clients were waiting for the "covid" to hide itself, so that we can start seeing partners, clients and friends again.
The printers started churning out business cards again ... »
Maxim Behar, PR expert, CEO of M3 Communications Group, Inc. ,and Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Seychelles, had a meeting with H.E. Khalid bin Kamal Faqeeh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Bulgaria. During the ... »
So... "If you're the smartest person in the room, then this isn't your room."
Probably tens of thousands of people can claim to be the source of these words, but more importantly, at least ten million apply this rule.
... »
Not a day goes by that some friend from Austria, or Germany, or France, or from somewhere else, brags to me that the country has granted them several thousand Euros to help their business in these difficult times. Well, no ... »
We live in a "green" euphoria without much of an understanding what it is all about. We are overwhelmed with screens, newspapers and social media with carbon, solar and all sorts of other terms. Convictions pass through our ears – ... »
Governor Bob Miller is a very calm and level-headed gentleman. He governed the state of Nevada at the time and was one of the main factors, as he often said, in turning it from a desert into a vast garden ... »
We really had a goal since the years before all the crises. Some said: "We are going to Europe", but I opposed them saying “It is not true, we are going back to Europe”. Whatever the vocabulary, it happened, and ... »