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The Story About the Door

There is no such story in the literature. Or at least I haven't heard it. But in business, especially now, in Bulgaria, we should start writing it. And so - after thirty years of verbal battles and parliamentary torture, we ... »

Strikers and defenders

There is a bit of romance and imagery in every football rhetoric and that is why I often compare this whole political mess in Bulgaria, and not only, with a big playground. As much as politicians would like to be ... »

The last public photograph of Francis Ingham (right), with Maxim Behar and Lord Black of Brentwood, House of Lords, London, November 2022

Francis, who always did the hard things easily...

  I was sitting with Francis Ingham at the elite Bucks Club in London recently, just in the foyer having a cocktail before dinner, when a stylish waiter in a white jacket, gloves, and bow tie came in, turned to ... »

Three letter difference

Georgi Gospodinov receiving the great Bookers award in London all of that happens with only 30 letters in our alphabet, and this caused universal euphoria. I thought of two other letters from our alphabet who literally work wonders. Culture and ... »

Who runs the business?

The chaos in Bulgarian politics, and the huge "army" of amateurs, both in parliament and in the rapidly changing governments, leave the feeling that the economy can be managed with directives. Not a month goes by - and whoops, a ... »

Cameras everywhere. Nothing else!

For years we have been getting horrific news of accidents caused by - mainly - young people who kill other young with speeds and then shed tears and regret. Every day, even literally every hour. And immediately the explanations and ... »

Maxim Behar from the Travellers Club

Maxim Behar is an internationally recognized PR expert, entrepreneur, writer. Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Seychelles in Bulgaria. His M3 Communications Group, Inc. is a partner of Hill+Knowlton Strategies, the world's leading PR company. A tireless traveler and ... »

Don't shoot the PR, politicians can do that much!

At the core of a loss or victory in elections is what the politicians themselves are able to say. Another election passed with the usual emotions and among the losers began the shooting of the guilty. In Bulgarian tradition, these ... »

Yes, but...

In the rush of this crazy time of incredible changes, we somehow got used to not listening the person we are talking to but knowing in advance what to answer. We interrupt, don't listen, we are ready with the answer ... »