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One of us shares...

Maxim Behar, 28 years old with 30 years of experience, I live in Sofia, in Prague, in airports, I sleep in planes, I watch all my movies there lately... I love to dream and make dreams come true - mine ... »

Let's take a look at the windows though

Good story. A family moves into a new home. On the first morning, the wife looks out the window and tells her husband to look at the neighbors spreading dirty laundry. In other words, she is outraged. The next morning, ... »

Maxim Behar for the program "Small Stories" on BNT 1 TV

Host: Hello, "Small Stories" is starting. The show that looks at life through your personal stories. Sometimes our destiny seems absolutely predetermined, sometimes a chance encounter, a person, or a place can completely change it. A place you weren't born ... »

... And a little self-confidence

In business, ethics have always been important. Nowadays, it's a hundred times more important. The new generation, for which under the road and over the road the managers squeal and hoot, is wonderful. Young people with super educations, several languages ... »

The Brand. The most important brand

What is a "brand"?. The easiest definition is by my good friend and without a doubt the world's most famous living PR guru Paul Holmes: a brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room. We ... »

Who raises the bar?

Everyone has their own "role model" - a role model, idol, whatever you want to call it, or in short: someone they want to be like. For some it is a "macho" with huge muscles and a martial arts champion, ... »

One hundred pillars and more then

There is a discussion in our society. Finally! And it is whether we should have a children's hospital or a high pillar with a flag on top. Naturally - incomparable things. Anyone can make a pillar with a flag on ... »