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Maxim Behar Will Speak at The Bulgarian Forum in Berlin.

Maxim Behar, CEO of M3 Communications Group, Inc., will speak at one of the most exciting career forums—"Career and Life—Why Bulgaria?"  on April 13, 2024, in Berlin. Making its second appearance in Germany, the forum will connect Bulgarians living in ... »

There Is A Way….

"There's no way!" is a phrase that exists in every language, but it sounds pretty imperative in Bulgarian. In other words, it sounds like the world has ended, and we're declaring its end. However, recently life has taught us something ... »

The Skills of Today

What are the most valuable skills for a PR expert against this transformation of the PR office? This book has already emphasized my Rule Number One: that even the worst decision is better than no decision at all, a decision ... »

PR: Less Elitist Than Ever

  Regarding social media, a PR professional must be everywhere and on top of everything. Public relations was never an elitist industry; today, it is less so than ever. A tiny portion of PR is designed to serve corporations’ CEOs ... »


Everyone knows what this is - a typical Bulgarian dish where everything is so mixed up that it's hard to distinguish the peppers from the tomatoes or the eggs from the cheese. You can even make mish-mash from various things ... »

Too Virtual, Not Enough Real...

Our inboxes fill up daily with unnecessary emails, which in the minds of their senders should be congratulations, and we should celebrate endlessly. But the 8th of March, Easter, Christmas, New Year, flowers, champagne, kisses, you name it... And, of ... »

What Is Leadership?

  Leadership outside business is practically the same as leadership in business because the same principle applies across the board: “If you are a leader, you must be a leader in everything.” There is no way to be a leader ... »

Fake News...Really?

We don't need fake news or, in the outdated Bulgarian language - false news. Or, more precisely - I even would like them to be false. We are listening to real news - not from anywhere these days, but from ... »

What Time Is It Now?

  Take a look at your watch. Carefully. It’s already five minutes to midnight. Tomorrow is just five minutes away, and the morning after is coming in a few hours. Changes are coming faster than ever imagined, even in our ... »

The Death of the Press Release.

  RIP, Press Release! 1906–2007   The one-time ubiquitous emblem of classic PR, the press release, has technically been dead for a while now. To be more precise, His Majesty the Press Release has been dying — a relatively slow ... »